Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Koyoharu Gotouge. It follows teenage Tanjiro Kamado, who strives to become a demon slayer after his family was slaughtered and his younger sister Nezuko turned into a demon.
We buy each pair of shoes BRAND NEW. Each pair is made to order, please make sure you put in the correct shoe size before you check out. The ink is permanent and will never come off, fade away, or peel off. Made in the USA. This price includes everything: shoes and artwork.
Because the artwork is custom-made for you, there are no exchanges or returns.
Please know your size before ordering.
Please note that the colors of the actual item may slightly differ from what you see on your screen due to differences in monitor settings.
If you are looking for resources on where or how you can help the racial equality and social justice movement, click for a list of organizations you can directly donate to and ways to help without any money!